Saturday, August 30, 2008

It Is Your Money After All

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

You will certainly find that it is really not easy to evaluate a money manager. As a matter of fact they should be able to help you to increase your net worth.

Some money managers cannot really help. When you consider hiring a money manager, you should bear the following issues in mind. What are the tools they will use to help you to increase the net worth? First of all, you will need to consider how they make money grow. Do they invest on stocks or mutual funds? You will need to ask all these questions. What is the focus of their investment portfolio?

Then you will try to see if they perform well. What you are doing is to investigate their performance in the past. Of course there is no way to see if they will perform well in the future. It will be excellent if you can have the performance record for a whole market cycle. You can know how well the money manager performed in the past thoroughly if you can see how well they did when the market went up or down. The market goes up and down in a market cycle. It is also important to know how they will make decision on their portfolios.

Or will they rely on research results from some other sources? Do they do the research themselves? To what extent will they rely on the these sources? The people who are actually working are also very important. You will certainly have a better understanding on them if you can ask these questions. If possible, you need to ask who will actually help you to manage the portfolio. You may also want to know who is going to help when the one responsible for your portfolio is on vacation.

Is he or she an experienced one in the business? Of course you may also consider the cost when you are choosing a money manager. A manager which charges you a high fee does not necessary mean that they will perform very well. However, this may not be the most important criteria you need to consider. You should always ask for a quote first. You will try to understand what kind of fees or commissions will be involved. You will need to know how a money manager charges.

Be prepared to negotiate if you are not comfortable with the quote. It is your money after all!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Poor Credit

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Getting bad credit mortgage refinance is a good option if you are going under debt. Another debt trap people fall into often is credit card loans.

Debt situations can trouble us at any stage of our life whether you take a loan for higher education, for renovating the, getting married home, or paying medical expenses. To repay the credit card bill, you need to take out another loan. Refinancing Options. This continues until it becomes a vicious debt cycle. Today, you have more refinancing options that ever before. The best way to repay debt is to work towards having a flexible payment plan that allows you to manage financial matters better with the help of the best mortgage refinance rate.

The most popular is to consolidate all debts into one, and then working towards repaying the debt. In order to repay the consolidated debt amount, you may need to take out another loan. Poor Credit. The best way to do this is to go for refinancing, as they are also available as no cost mortgage refinance. Many lenders may refuse to do business with you if your previous credit report is not good. This kind of loan helps you make good even if your credit record is poor.

If you have loan arrears, and other repayment, delayed payments issues showing on your credit record, you may have lost all chances of getting debt relief except in the form of bad credit mortgage refinancing. You need to search online before you can find a lender willing to lend you the amount you need. Raising The Credit Score. You also need to work out a plan with the lender that allows you to repay previous debts through Second mortgage refinance. Understand that the sooner you clear your debt, the better your credit rating will be, and the faster your financial recovery. You may also need to pay closing costs, in which case you have to take a look at your funds. You also need to work out a bad credit mortgage refinancing plan that results in the most savings.

A good credit plan will help you repair your credit record. There are many advantages of going in for a bad credit mortgage refinancing plan, from raising your credit score to helping you deal with financial problems. If you pay your new loan faster, it will show in your favour in your credit report. So if you have a debt situation you cannot manage, dont wait. Start working out a repayment plan as soon as you can.


Selecting The Right Type Of Diamonds Is Very Important - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Certified diamonds are those diamonds that have been graded in laboratories and have been issued certificates as to its quality.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We Know What Is Financial Management

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

We know what is financial management. Financial management involves a lot of areas.

It s a personal decision in making wise choices about our cash. Here, I list out 5 of the most important areas that you should know. The following are the key areas that you should look at: Cash flow management. These are the main areas you should concentrate because it is these areas that we either mismanaged our money, or it will enable money to work for us. This involves assessing your current net financial net worth( what you own minus what you owe) . In short, most financial experts would advise you to keep a high savings and this should be your MAIN PRIORITY in financial planning.

This should generally tell you whether you are on your way to financial freedom or financial disaster. Investment planning. Forget the 2% p. a. interests for saving. Once you have decided the amount of money you would like to save, you should consider where to put your savings with the aim of getting a higher returns than your normal savings account. You require something more sophisticated than that! Otherwise, a good investment program will be nice. At a minimum, you should go for fixed deposits.

Insurance planning. Tax planning. Insurance planning is required to in ensure that all your properties are protected and that your family members are well protected by having enough insurance coverage. The topic of tax planning affects everyone who receives income, yet it is an area that is mainly forgotten or forgotten by most individuals. Retirement planning. Therefore, this area involves strategies making the most under the local tax regulation in the area of your income, real estate, stocks, and property.

You are not going to toil your whole life, are you? There is no choice. When old age symptoms begin to kick in or you have reached the mandatory retirement age, you will want to retire. Therefore, having a retirement plan regardless of of your age is essential! Estate planning. You wouldn t want to be forced to go back to work due to lack of money!

Having an estate plan or a will shall ensure that your wishes for the future are carried out. The above are just 5 of the many other financial decisions. In addition, an estate plan or a will can supply financial protection for your family, ensure your property is preserved and keep off dispute among family members. It is important to take note of your above 5 becasue they are mainly responsible for your financial success or failure.


Hence, It Is Very Easy To Start Charitable Trusts - Finance and Financial Planning:

Businesses can gain immensely from charitable trusts, though these trusts are nonprofit organizations that are set up for the benefit of some other party.

This Is Probably The Best Reason To Not Want To Be Rich - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

You would think everyone would want to be rich, if they could be.

Nobody Likes To Pay Taxes - Dale Simms's Finance and Financial Planning blog:

Nobody likes to pay taxes. Knowing some simple rules will reduce your tax bill and allow you to keep more of what you inherit.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If You Do, You Too Can Enjoy A Peaceful And Prosperous Retirement Years

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

But even if you have a husband, it is a good idea to look at retirement with the idea of what if you have to face it alone. So if you get to retirement or just before it and you find yourself facing that next transition of life, retirement looks a lot different through a womans eyes than when a man does the same preparation.

It is a sad statistic but women outlive men in general. Saving up for retirement is something that is at least as important if not more important for women as it is for men preparing for the same time of their lives. This is especially true if your work is not in the conventional world of big business. And since women typically earn somewhat less than men during their careers, sitting down and thinking through the formula of how much to set aside for retirement should be a carefully considered act and one that is repeated frequently over the years to make sure you are on track. If you make a good living running your own antique shop or as an entrepreneur as many women do, you have to think about your retirement planning yourself because you will not have the advantages of a company sponsored 401k plan to cash in on. On the other side of that equation, it might be worth taking a look at getting into a corporate situation entirely for the insurance and the retirement benefits. So as soon as you feel you know that the way you make your living is not gong to change, start your saving and investing immediately.

While there is often a glass ceiling in the business world, if you know why you are there which is to build a strong retirement planning package, you can leverage your position in the business world shrewdly and not have the stresses that many men endure in that same setting. With the advent of internet trading, often a woman can start with very little and with some careful investing and conservative stock purchases, build up an impressive portfolio that can serve as an excellent retirement vehicle down the road. Above all, make it your private passion to learn all you can about investments and ways you can build your retirement portfolio. Just as you may have done if you spent your working years in a family situation, you should look at how your money is used not only for the immediate value but as an investment down the road. And if you do not like mowing the lawn and all of the other overhead of a home, that purchase may not fit your lifestyle. It is often convenient to live in an apartment or rental property because when you are a working woman, upkeep on a home is a nuisance.

Nonetheless, home ownership is one of the smartest ways to go about building equity in advance of retirement. The way the tax laws are structured, you will get a lot of financial value out of home ownership and it can serve as the basis for further financial planning once your ownership of the home is secured. You might look at buying a house as a big step toward financial independence in your retirement years. So take a second look at home ownership in a house with a yard and all of the trappings. By beginning to plan early in life for retirement later, women can do just as well as men in preparing for this important part of life. If the overhead is too much to take on, you can often bring in renters or roommates who may enjoy that aspect of living in a house and you can cut them some slack on the rent if they take care of upkeep of the place.

But you have to face the responsibilities of retirement planning squarely and not procrastinate on starting your investment and retirement portfolios far enough ahead that they will pay off later. If you do, you too can enjoy a peaceful and prosperous retirement years.


Hence, It Is Very Easy To Start Charitable Trusts - Michele Strandberg's Finance and Financial Planning blog:

Businesses can gain immensely from charitable trusts, though these trusts are nonprofit organizations that are set up for the benefit of some other party.

Where To Focus Your Alpha Energy - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

A current theme among Wall Street wealth managers is for individual investors to have index funds as their core holdings and to focus the remainder of their assets in high alpha investments, which will produce returns not correlated with the market.

How Does Medi Cal Differ From Medicare - Finance and Financial Planning:

Whether you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about Medi Cal, then you will find this article to be an informative overview of the topic.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Interest And Fees Are The Highest Of All Loans

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

It is very important for you to give some serious thought to how much debt you are willing to shoulder and then map out a plan to repay loans as quickly as possible.

Some advisors suggest that monthly student loan repayments should not exceed 10 to 15 percent of a new grads starting monthly income. Unlike grants or work- study aid, loans remain a part of your life long after college graduation. And you should ponder how you would support your family while doing this. Tips For Managing Your Student Loan Debt. need to borrow smart and only borrow what you need. Lets take a look at some different suggestions. Your actual repayment amount is going to be much higher once interest is calculated.

You need to budget and stick with it. So don t assume that you are paying back exactly what you re borrowing. Federal student loans come in two sizes, subsidized and unsubsidized. Unsubsidized loans interest begins accumulating immediately. Subsidized loans are where the government pays the interest on the loan for the duration of your education. To save yourself some money, max out your subsidized loan borrowing power first. If you find yourself with any extra money use it to start paying the interest payment( only) .

Pay interest on your unsubsidized loans as you go along. You ll find yourself facing lower loan payments when it comes time to repay your principal. If you are forced to take out private loans, borrow the least amount possible and pay off the balance of these loans first. Try to avoid private loans, it it s within your means. The interest and fees are the highest of all loans. Interest rates on these cards are often times extremely high.

Many students enter school with a fair amount of credit card debt. If you re making the minimum payment or something close to it, interest accumulation will make paying off your balance very difficult. The benefits are obvious. If you have additional borrowing power on a federal student loan, borrow the extra amount to pay off your credit card in full. You are using a lower interest rate loan to pay off a higher one. Loan Repayment Options.

Then you have to be dedicated and budget yourself to pay off the balance monthly. Always factor in fees when you are considering education loans. The standard repayment program involves making equal monthly payments over a 10- year period. Up to 4 percent of the total amount of a loan may be eaten up by the up- front fees. 3 percent to the lender and 1 percent to the guarantor. The extended repayment program can extend the repayment period to upward of 30 years, depending on the total amount of debt and which lender is involved. The income- contingent repayment plan ties the repayment amount to income and often allows for a longer repayment period.

Under the graduated repayment plan, usually every two, payments gradually increase years. Be careful to balance long- term cost of these repayment plans against short- term payment relief. Although you will be paying less per month, you could end up owing and paying significantly more in the long run because you are slowing down your repayment of the principal.


Parents Generally Face Challenges When It Comes To Estate Planning Needs For Their Special Children - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Parents generally face challenges when it comes to estate planning needs for their special children.

Diversification For The Business Owner While Maintaining Control - Mandy Delcambre about Finance and Financial Planning:

This article is focused on helping business owners and their advisors understand Employee Stock Ownership Plans( ESOPs) and how they can assist in developing effective Exit Strategies from a business.

Total Saving: $50 Per Month Or$ 600 Per Year - Finance and Financial Planning:

Most people can appreciate the importance of having a good financial plan to build a healthy nest egg for retirement.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

First We Look At The Liquidity Ratio

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

When we talk about financial analysis we are not basically interested in the profits or losses firm is making or incurring. When one firm investing large amounts of capital in one area then its basic motive is absolutely moneymaking, but when we think what good managers usually think then we have to look at it with slight difference.

It is true that all existing firms keep an eye on the profit of margin they are earning or whether they are into the zone where their existence looks little awkward. Good business is not always about good numbers showing on the balance sheets or income statements. Average managers usually take a sigh of relief when they look at the higher profits of margin or cost recovering process. It is lot more than that. Good managers maintain a good mixture of keeping an eye on profit margins and healthiness of certain ratios. They are mostly concerned with ratios.

But proactive or excellent managers know the art of reading between the lines. If you look all around the world at the stalwarts of business world, they rely heavily on the position of their ratios. Key relationships are typically revealed in ratios that provide insight into some aspect of company behavior. Business always runs by the combined efforts of relationships between people, and events, things. Here we look at the financial position of Lester clothes for the period of 200and as we mention above that we have to keep in view the fluctuating position of ratios. Basically managers observe three ratios liquidity ratio, activity ratio and profitability ratio. Because maintaining finance of any organization, ratios give the actual and correct picture.

First we look at the liquidity ratio. For example the current ratio tells that there are sufficient assets for pay off the debts. It is a financial ratio that indicates the company s ability to meet its debt obligations. This actually portrays the strength of any company to meet its obligations. Looking at the balance sheet and income statement of the company that according to the present situation, they will be able to pay off their debts gracefully. the Company has current assets of$ 600000 and current liabilities of$ 25000It means that the company has sufficient funds to pay of its debt. All firms whether small or gigantic need external finance to bolster their reputation.

Activity ratio is the indicator that reflects the standing of the organization. This ratio tells us how many times the inventory is turned over to meet the total sales figure. It is the ratio that tells about the company s internal performance with respect to key activities defined by management. If inventory sits too long, money is wasted. It is like an idle talented person. The inventory needs to convert into sales to increase the profit ratio. It shows the behavior, performance and enthusiasm of staff to meet the targets when we calculated the inventory turnover ratio.

Third and last variable is the profitability ratio it describes the firms profits profitability ratio describes the company s profit which is calculated as net income divided by sales. It turns out to be satisfactory depending on the overall industry situation. If we calculate the net income of Lester clothes which is around$ 215000 by the total sales$ 2900000 then we gather a figure of 8% . This entire related figure justifies that organization is performing satisfactory and can attain the trust and confidence of share holders To get finance from a certain group of share holders. This figure shows that managers are making good use of resources at hand. Organizations need to present a clean sheet to get the required finances and keep them as their loyal partners in the future as well.

So these figures pose a great opportunity for all those who are looking for a lucrative option to invest money. Shareholders play an important role in raising finance of any organizations. All good organization provides all necessary proofs to share holders that they are investing at a right place. Controlling and managing financial resources smartly is the price objective of all proactive managers. Fair and reliable audit figures from income statement and balance sheet enhances chances to make shareholder believe in overall performance. It shows and proves their worth to even the best of organizations.


So. What Is Cash Flow Planning - Finance and Financial Planning:

You ve heard it a million times- cash can make or break a business. In fact, many PROFITABLE businesses fail because of cash flow issues.

One Spouse Cannot Make Financial Decisions For The Other Spouse - Finance and Financial Planning:

Are you a gambler?

Should You Trust Or Not Trust - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Living Trusts have become very popular and are being heavily promoted to seniors. That is the question.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

There Are A Huge Number Of Personal Grants Given Out Too

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

There are some significant points that you must well know if you are making applications for American government grants.

The total expected sum comes to about$ 400 billion dollars. You must learn through them before you make that application: There is actually a mind- boggling amount kept aside by other federal organizations that give US government grants. Most of this money actually finds its manner to the accounts of people who want to start their own businesses with a national grant. If you make an application on grants. gov, you have a chance of getting picked up by some one of these thousand grant providing organizations. The federation is a single organization no doubt, but for the intention of providing government grants in the United States, there are about a thousand organizations that come forward. The United States government permits are not loans.

But, the eligibility criteria are much stricter due to this very reason. That means, there is no contract to spend them back. The proposals made for securing the grants are scrutinized very thoroughly and only a very small number of these people really get the grants. There will no checks in the credit histories, but there will be definitely a need of the tax documents. The paperwork complex in permit applications is significantly lesser too. If you haven t been paying the right amount of tax, then your allow application will certainly be rejected.

The definition of a permit is that it is finance given to person or organizations provided that they achieve certain obligations. At the same time, it must be understood that US government grants are not monies that are given out free to people. In very cases, the obligations are improvement of society at a considerable. That is the cause why government officials will be keeping tabs on how the matter is functioning. With business grants, this is possible if the business makes an effort to perfect the goals it stated before and thus aid the US economy. There will be regular reports to be submitted and inspections by the authorities on the functioning of the matter.

There are a huge number of personal grants given out too. Finally, one must remember that the United States Government Grants are not meant only for businesses. Students are given grants for education, people with disabilities are given grants, senior citizen grants help older people to conduct their daily lives, and people are also given grants to manage down payments on their homes and to renovate their houses if they cannot meet the expenses. Howsoever, the proposals for obtaining these grants want to be very great.


The Policy Has A Large Loan - Shawna Feinstein about Finance and Financial Planning:

Most people do not know they can sell an insurance policy. Even term insurance, which has no cash value, is a candidate for purchase.

Financial Planning - Michele Strandberg about Finance and Financial Planning:

Financial planning.

Why Seniors Don T Buy Long Term Care - Dale Simms about Finance and Financial Planning:

In the next few minutes you will learn about a new insurance industry product that provides long term care insurance coverage if you ever need it, but requires no policy, premiums or health qualifications. In my experience, over half the people who shun long term care insurance do so because they feel they will never need it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

These Will Only Give Back A Small Amount Of Interest

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Few families pass on actual knowledge about wealth building to their children.

Accountant and financial advisor, Dr. Negative feelings of poverty and scarcity can last for generations. Joseph Simini says, "Most people are illiterate about finance. If you want to become financially independent, you can t depend on someone else to do that for you. Finance isn t all that tough. You have to do it yourself with knowledge. " Dr.

He manages family owned investments and advises people on the subject of financial independence. Simini started out in life in a poor immigrant family and learned the basics of creating personal wealth from his father s teachings and the school of hard knocks. He offers practical advice on how to become financially literate and financially independent: Buy Your Own Home: It is important to buy your own home because with a small amount of money, and a lot of someone else s money, you can get started. Eventually, you are going to own the building, leading to tax benefits. Instead of paying rent and making your landlord wealthy, you will be paying into your own mortgage. Deduct Property Taxes and Mortgage Interest: These items can be deducted from your regular income and that is a big savings. Save 10 Percent of Your Income: Fill out a budget categorizing all your bills and when they should be paid.

Most people just use their standard deduction, but by adding the property tax deduction and the mortgage interest deduction, you can increase your deduction by thousands of dollars. At the top of the list of bills to be paid, put your own name. Nobody can help you, but you. Pay yourself first. Make a List of Necessities: Make a list of the necessities that you need to live: rent, clothes, mortgage, food, etc. Decide if you really need all the things you are spending your money on.

After this, make a list of the discretionary things. Are they necessary? These are the financial questions you need to answer. Can you cut back? Take Advantage of Compound Interest: One of the most important fundamentals of wealth building is compound interest. Compound interest is the interest added to the principle, and then the interest rate is on the new amount of money. Instead of giving you a nice return, compound interest will give you a sensational return.

Each year it becomes a little more. All of these wealth building strategies require awareness and a change in habits. After years of compounding interest, it becomes a tremendously larger amount of money than if it were only simple interest. Change your attitude about money. Read financial magazines, the business section of the paper, and financial magazines. Change your financial habits.

Know what money can do for you. Put your skills and talents to work for you. Look beyond just employment income. Create additional streams of income teaching or selling the hobbies you are already interested in. You have to go out and build income of your own. This additional income will give more opportunities for saving and paying the bills.

Avoid putting your money into cash. These will only give back a small amount of interest. That includes: a bank account, and bonds, notes. They are the worst things to invest in. Do your homework, researching all the information available about investing in stocks. The stock market has the potential for incredible wealth building if you learn the rules of the game. Become stock literate to protect your investment in the stock market.

Do not get caught up in limited thinking. Find advisors and take responsibility for your own choices about your own money. Expand a little bit and take some different actions to benefit yourself financially. Get yourself started onto the road of financial success by becoming financially literate. This is the foundation of building financial independence. Once you learn the financial principles and practices pass them on to your children. Knowing about money is as important as knowing the ABC s in today s world.

Get your children involved in the basic skills of finances and building wealth. Financial literacy will lead you to additional wealth building techniques. You will be able to come up with a plan that will take you from paying someone else, to becoming the person who other people are paying.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stop The Debt Addiction

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Snowballing consumer spending has resulted in more families than ever drowning in debt.

According to a recent USA Today article about debt, 78 percent of baby boomer s have mortgage debt, 59 percent have credit card debt, 56 percent have car payments. Consumer debt has now exceeded$ 2 trillion, reports the Federal Reserve Board and this figure is growing by the minute. So if you re losing the battle to keep up with the cost of living and are tempted with the abundance of easy credit than bear this thought in mind, three out of five American families can t pay off their credit cards each month. Living debt- free is about more than getting creditors off your back, it s about getting your financial life back. More. So here are 7 steps to get yourself out of debt: Be honest about your current debt situation. If you have bills unopened gathering dust in a drawer somewhere or you are starting to hide from your creditors then it s about time you got real.

You can t change what you don t acknowledge. The first step is to get a full picture of your current debt situation. In the second column write out the minimum payments you are required to make towards the debt. Begin by starting a spreadsheet file and in the first column take account of all your current outstanding debt from credit cards, personal loans to, store cards car loans. The third column you will note the interest you are being charged and in the final column write down the current total outstanding balance owing on the debt. The Consumer Credit Counselling Service( CCCS) warns that if your debt repayments take more than 20% of your net monthly income you are entering a danger zone and must take steps to cut back.

Now you have an idea about how much you owe, who you owe it to and how much your repayments are each month. Stop the debt addiction. Like they say if you re in a hole, the first step is to stop digging. You ve got yourself into debt and there is little point trying to get yourself out of it if you are going to add to the burden. Give yourself a chance to succeed and consider cutting up your credit and store cards so they don t pose a temptation, you can always order a replacement card once your debt situation has improved. It wasn t that many generations ago that our ancestors learnt the value of saving for something important. In the meantime pay cash for everything.

Get your spending under control. While it may not be the most exciting thing to do and trying to stick to a budget may prove even less exciting just think about the amazing feeling you ll get when you finally get yourself out of debt. If you are like most people the thought of doing your budget is akin to watching grass grow. So if you re ready to forgo short term pain for long term gain then get your trusty spreadsheet out again and list in the first row your total monthly income. Now you have an idea of your financial situation after you have taken your expenses into account. In the rows below list all your fixed monthly expenses which include your monthly debt repayments and then below that, list all your variable expenses. If the expenses are greater than the income, you ll need to make adjustments until the expenses are equal to or less than the income.

Here is where the fun begins. Start tackling the debt. If you focus on your total debt problem then it might seem like an impossible situation but if you just focus on one debt at a time then it becomes manageable. The idea is that you want to pay beyond the minimum amount so that the smallest debt balance gets paid off faster. From your spreadsheet that lists your debts, pick out the one with the smallest outstanding balance and dedicate all extra funds left over at the end of each month to tackling this debt until it s fully paid off. While some will argue that you should be paying off the debt with the highest interest rate, from a motivational point of view there is a great psychological victory when you start seeing debt balances being wiped away from your spreadsheet. The challenge each month is to find ways to cut down your variable expenses so that you can allocate more funds to the debt you are focusing on eliminating.

As each debt gets paid off in full then you allocate all your extra funds left over at the end of the month to the next smallest debt. Grow your income. There are many great ideas to grow your income and you may want to sit down and brainstorm them. Now that you have started eliminating your debt and controlling your expenses its time to think about how you can grow your income to make your debt reduction plan go quicker. You ll be able to come up with a few creative ideas. You could even sell some of the things that have caused you to be in debt in order to raise some money to pay them off. Some things to consider are whether you can increase overtime at your place of employment, are there opportunities to get a part time job or maybe start something online like an eBay business.

Don t give up. It probably took years of bad spending habits to get yourself where you are today so be patient and disciplined with your debt reduction plan. Rome wasn t built in a day and so don t expect that your debt situation is going to be dealt with in a day. Focus on eliminating one debt at a time. While these sound like an easy way out they can cost you more in the long term. Things to avoid are traps like consolidation loans and drawing down on your home equity.

They also don t enable you to face the cause of your problem head on and therefore chances are you ll be back to being in debt before you know it. Celebrate your successes. Just remember quick fixes don t last. The key to keeping you motivated on your debt reduction plan is to give yourself opportunities to celebrate your successes along the way. Be careful not to blow your great progress by setting yourself back financially. When you are able to eliminate one of your debts from your list treat yourself to something fun. You can celebrate and do something fun without it costing you a lot of money.

Make this into a fun game where your rewards are available to you for making progress.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Trust Would Then Sell The Property To The Real Estate Developer

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Charitable remainder trusts can increase your income, avoid capital gains taxes, lower or eliminate estate taxes, serve as another type of retirement plan, serve humanity and put a warm feeling in your heart. In the Path of Progress.

Here is an example that applies to anyone contemplating selling a highly appreciated asset. Clarence and Mildred had a farm that has been in the family since 193They raised corn and had a few cattle. The farm used to be out in the country. However, the farm has been inactive since Clarence died 10 years ago. Over the years, the neighboring city has expanded to the point that its boundaries have almost reached the farm. They want to build a giant shopping mall on her property. A real estate development firm with an offer she finds difficult to believe has recently contacted Mildred.

Moreover, they are willing to pay 14 million dollars for her 80 acres. The farm was originally homesteaded and has no basis. As much as Mildred is tied to her home of 40 years and the lifestyle, this is an easy decision. How can she minimize the capital gain tax? The trust would then sell the property to the real estate developer. The procedure would call for her to gift the farm to a charitable remainder trust. She should employ an estate planning attorney to assure that the gift to the trust and the subsequent sale to the real estate developer are not construed as a pre- arranged series of transactions.

She avoids it altogether. Using a charitable remainder trust gives Mildred the following benefits: She does more than minimize the capital gain tax. If the capital gain rate is 15% , this saves$ 2, 100, 000 in capital gains taxes. She has saved every button that has ever come off a shirt, blouse or shirt. Mary is frugal. She is also leery.

She figures she can put that$ 2, 100, 000 to better use than the people in Washington D. A charitable remainder trust mandates an annual payout of at least 5% . She is set for life and can take all the grandchildren to Disneyland every year. That's$ 700, 000 a year. She will get a huge tax deduction based on her charitable contribution to the trust. It's a good bet she will pay no income tax for the next six years. It will be so big that the IRS will let her carry the unused portion forward for a total of six years.

She can name any number of charities to receive the 14 million in the trust when she dies. The number of people who would benefit in the future is too many to count. Ultimately, she could have a new church building, a wing on the hospital or scholarships named after her and Clarence for her generosity. If she is concerned about disinheriting her heirs, she can use some of the income to buy a life insurance policy and name her children and grandchildren beneficiaries. No estate tax will be due at her death. She could also gift up to( currently) $12, 000 per year to as many people as she wants without any gift tax implications. The 14 million will be professionally managed inside the charitable remainder trust.

Downturns in the economy, weather catastrophes or world events will have no effect on her income. She has no investment worries and can set the trust up so she has a guaranteed income. It's true that Mildred could simply sell the farm and pay the capital gains tax. She would have to invest it while fending off suggestions from well- meaning relatives. Aside from the capital gains tax, coming into this large sum of money could create more problems. She would have some estate planning to do to avoid half of her estate going to the government in taxes when she dies. When you put the charitable remainder trust on the table as an option, most of these problems vanish and many additional benefits appear.